Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Parking for BCBF

Parking for the Byron Blues Fest is pretty easy, free and open. Here's the good gouge according to me (Steve Jones, who lives in Byron):

1. The best parking is in Byron Lot #1. This is the lot behind Fifth Alarm, Ace Hardware and Leombruni's. There are just over 60 spaces there, so early birds are likely to fill them.

2. Street parking on Second, Third and Fourth Streets (east-west) along with Walnut, Union and Chestnut will fill next with surrounding streets getting fuller later.

3. Across Blackhawk Drive IL Hwy 2 you can park on the streets but also Bemis Ford is graciously letting us use their main lot (not the lots by the Jerk Chicken or BBQ places). Also, the grassy lot just east of the Mobil Station is open for parking.

4. Motorcycles should park on Union south of the gate going into the fest by Fifth Alarm and in the Union Street Station parking lot who are closed but letting us use the lot for bikes- no cars there, please!
5. Band parking is onside the festival gate on Second Street near Tailgaters.  From IL 2/Blackhawk, take Chestnut north to Second, go left around the monument and enter the fest gate and park on the south side of the street.

6. Handicappped parking inthe vicinity of the festival is plentiful in Lot #1, Second Street near the fest, Walnut Street near the Post Office after it closes at noon and many other places.

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